Art Enlightens Life

More than ever, it is so important to let beauty into our lives. In this time where the world can feel stressful and people may feel more dows, art can inspire us, add meaning to our lives, and make us think about the world in new ways.

Because of this, we at AOMA wanted to do something to help add more beauty to people’s lives. So, we are featuring famous artists and their artworks from history on our social media along with an inspiring quote from each artist!

We also want to share YOUR art too! We think every artist can inspire others. So we want to encourage you to share your talents by sending a clear photo of your best artwork to with the subject line “Art Enlightens Life + Your Name + Your Age”. In the email, please include a title and one-sentence desicription. There’s no age limit, so kids, teens, and adults can all participate!