Shyen-Yi graduated with a Master in Digital Media at Center for Digital Media (Simon Fraser University); meanwhile holds a Bachelor in Art specialized in Industrial/Product Design. Shyen-Yi has a handful of teaching and practical experience regarding 3D modelling and 2D graphic design. Moreover, he had worked on many projects with local and international organizations, such as the Vancouver Art Gallery (2018 Cabin Fever), YVR, Science World, which wildly across North America and Europe.
Shyen-Yi hopes to share his in-depth knowledge and expertise to help students discover their passion; Furthermore, Shyen-Yi emphasizes implementing design thinking to develop students’ problem-solving skills and assisting them to pursue their goals and dreams.
Shyen-Yi畢業於西蒙弗雷澤大學(Simon Fraser University)數字媒體中心,並且獲得Digital Media碩士學位, 並且同時擁有工業設計專業的藝術學士學位。Shyen-Yi 在3D建模和2D圖形設計方面具有豐富的行業經驗。此外,他曾與許多本地和國際的公司與美術館合作過許多項目及展覽,例如溫哥華美術館(2018 Cabin Fever),YVR和Science World。